Jan 2022 - Well here it is, another New Year. How times flies. And what an unusual two years we have had so far. But, just when we thought things couldn’t get any worse along comes yet another new variant of Covid. I suppose all we can do is hope that the people in the know will see us get through this latest phase of something that is going to be with us for many years to come.

The one thing about Covid and it’s side effects is that it’s led to lots of new stories on the same theme. And it’s made people assess their lives as they try to work out what will happen to them and how they can come through this latest issue of the variant.  We can only keep our finger crossed for the best results.

On my front I am off into hospital on the 20th of this month for knee surgery. I’m sure I’ll become known as the Bionic knee woman (ha ha) as this is the second full knee replacement I’ve had. The op means I’m going to be out of touch for awhile so work is going on hold. Fingers crossed all goes well.

Anyway, I want to wish  Happy New Year to one and all.